A year ago today, you came into this world...
We weren’t there to witness your arrival but I know it was miraculous because you are a miracle!
A year ago tomorrow, we met you for the very first time...
The minute we saw you, held you, smelled you we were smitten! You were ours! You had on a cute little green knit hat and when the nurse pulled it off…poof! There was a ton of the most beautiful curly black we had ever seen.
A year ago this week, we were the happiest we had ever been...
We weren’t prepared for how fast we would fall in love with you! How totally and completely you changed our lives for the better! Suddenly, we couldn’t remember life before you! You had become our life! Such joy and happiness, it was bliss!
A year ago this Friday, it all came crashing down...
A million tears fell from ours eyes as I handed you back to your birth mom. My heart stopped beating as it shattered into tiny pieces. “She eats 2 ounces about every four hours….Here’s her car seat and all of her clothes are in this bag…Don’t forget to burp her…She's such a good baby...She loves her binky…We love her…Please let us keep her...Please.......”
A year ago the following Friday, a miracle occurred...
Many prayers had been offered on our behalf and those prayers were answered! You were coming back to us! Such a glorious reunion! You were even more beautiful and more perfect! And we were finally whole again!
Happy Birthday Lula Mae! We are so thrilled that you were born a year ago, today!