Friday, December 4, 2009

The Bad

This is the “bad” child. This naughty little thing is all over the place! She goes from one room to another leaving a path of slobbery destruction. We try to keep her somewhat contained by putting her in her playpen or walker but it never lasts very long. You wouldn’t believe the fits this little angel can throw when she doesn’t get her way! Not to mention the waterfall of tears that add to her dramatics! She thinks she should be walking and is trying her darnedest to make it so! Whew! I get tired just writing about her! Such a rambunctious little cuss! So very naughty!


Wilde Things said...

She looks pretty innocent and cute to me... hahahah

Anonymous said...

Look at that cute little face. SHE IS NOT NAUGHTY. She's an angel. She can come live with Aunt Shenagh!!!