Monday, January 18, 2010

Resolutions...Not At This House!

So instead of updating my blog I've been busy reading others. As I've read various blogs I've noticed many people have made New Year's Resolutions. Many of these resolutions include things like updating their blog better, losing weight and getting more fit, being a better mother, working on personal spirituality etc.... These resolutions are admirable and I applaud those who have made them. I thought about making some resolutions but I know myself all too well and I know that updating this blog on a regular basis isn't a priority, the likelihood of me losing weight is slim(ha ha "slim" that's funny), I won't be up for any "Mother of the Year" awards, and I'll probably never become a spiritual phenom. That's FEEEEnom as in FEE-nom-in-on, FEE-nom-in-AL, FEE-diddy, FEE-shizzle.....Ok where was I? That's right, blabbing about resolutions and how I suck at them. So the closest thing to a resolution that I could come up with is this...drum roll please.........I'm just going to try to do better at what I already do! Sounds easy enough, right? This means I'm going to keep eating like crap and not exercising, keep losing patience with my girls, keep wasting my few precious minutes of "free time" on mindless television shows, re-read the 1st chapter of the BOM for like the millionth time and so on. As I step on the scale, it looks like I'm already on my way to keeping my sorta resolution! Bring on the cheesecake!

Well I'm rambling but who cares since I know no one really reads this blog anyway. You all just want to see pictures of the girls. I could write a bunch of nonsense like "she-jong-ho-bay-bay-city" or "mess with the frog and you're gonna get jumped" or "free-furty-free" and no one will even care! Blah! Blah! Blah! Whatever! Enjoy the picture overload!




tHe tHaYeRs said...

You crack me up Holly! That is the funniest post I've ever read! Your girls are absolutley beautiul!

Finlinson's said...

Holly that is hilarious! Of course you are going to be MOM OF THE YEAR. Dealing with twins or almost twins wins the award this year!!! Love the pics.

Shelly said...

I read your Blog!!! Thanks for the christmas card. I love getting those from old friends. You look great by the way and your girls are beautiful.

Wilde Things said...

what pictures? Thanks for the cookies by the way. I think you are on your way to becoming better already.

Dawn said...

Your girls are sooooooo beautiful! Great pictures! So fun to spend time with you guys last night. Hope the trek home was ok!

Tara said...

Don't kid yourself Holly. I read your writing and I look at your pictures. And it is your blog that is distracting me from accepting the mom of the year award. Thanks a lot.

Sara Muir said...

I read your blog and much to my chagrin, you don't update it enough with your funny posts. I love reading all your posts. You are so funny!

dot 6 said...

Your girls are beautiful! :)