Friday, January 6, 2012


Lula likes to make a fashion statement in the form of accessories. Earrings, bracelets, necklaces, she's a fan of them all. Her creative little mind can turn many household items into to jewelry as well. Bracelets are a hit with her so teething rings, bottle rings and cookie cutters currently fit the bill. She also like to use hair ties or "pony ties" as she calls them to adorn her wrists and ankles. Anything that has a strap or a zipper automatically becomes a purse. Armed with her phone "to make my phone calls" and a purse full of treasures she is ready for shopping. Shaking her little finger at me, Miss Bossy Britches will say, "I gotta go the store, mom, you stay here!". Hmmm, wonder where she learned that...?

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