Monday, October 26, 2009

Bound Together

Ours Forever...

On Earth...

And in Heaven!

Thank you to all the family and friends, several who traveled a great distance, that participated in our joy filled weekend! It was a dream come true! A special thanks to the following ladies who are responsible for making our luscious little Lula look her very best!
-My sister, Heidi, who fashioned the most beautiful sealing dress for Lula out of material from my wedding dress. It was exactly as I had hoped it would be! You really should go into business!
-The always amazing and oh so talented Tara, whose one-of-a-kind creations adorned not only Lula but Ella too. You truly make everything better, my dear friend! I wouldn’t have survived without you!
-Anne and Dawn who were an answer to my shopping nightmare prayers! Your daughters are the best-dressed chicas around! Thanks for sharing!


chr!st!e said...

Congratulations! That is so exciting. How is it with three kids...yes, I'm counting Greg in that equation. =)

Anonymous said...

congratulations... 1 down, 1 to go!!! I am so happy for you

oh and Greg is that grey I see???

Tara said...

What a sweet post, Holly! We love and miss you guys!

Finlinson's said...

I know exactly how you feel. It is the best reward ever! Congrats!!

The Morrills said...

How EXCITING!!! Congrats! Cute, Cute girls!!

Kel said...

Very cool! Congrats, they both look so cute!

Dawn said...

Congratulations! You have two of the sweetest most beautiful girls. I am so happy for you. They both looked gorgeous. Glad I was able to help ease your shopping troubles, any time!

Nicole said...

Congratulation! That is so amazing im so happy for you guys.

Shelly said...

That is so exciting! I am so glad that she is yours forever now. They both are growing up so fast and I haven't even seen them in person. I am so glad that you get to be the mother to these two sweet and beautiful girls. Keep in touch! We need to get together soon.