Monday, October 12, 2009

Don't Blink

So I’m looking to purchase some time in a bottle. Not the kind to cover my graying hair or smooth the multiplying wrinkles on my face “for younger more healthy looking skin”. (Although I do need a little help in these areas...or maybe a lot!) No, I’m looking for the kind of time in a bottle that will slow down the warp speed of which my babies are growing. I feel like I’ve waited for sooooo long to get these little ones that it’s just not fair that they won’t stay little!

Our 7 month old looks so grown up as she sits unassisted on the floor gumming to death anything she can get her hands on. And despite our best efforts to discourage her mobility she is on the verge of crawling! Crawling?!? Seriously, Lula!?! Did you not just come home from North Caroline like three weeks ago?!?

Our 8 week old has decided that it’s time for her to make the transition to only waking up once a night. Which, if I’m being totally honest, is nice but makes me feel a bit less needed. She has been smiling for a while now and it's just to die for! Any day now she is going to figure out how to laugh. I know it will be wonderful but it will also mean that another milestone has come and gone.

Why is it that when you’re waiting for something, time drags on for what seems like forever and then when you get that something, time is gone in the blink of an eye?


Anonymous said...

oh my gosh! Ella is SO big! And I can't believe Lula is sitting! Holy cow! I wish I could tell you how to stop it...but time marches on. Keep snapping least that way you can wax nostalgic and remember how little they use to be!

Kel said...

Your so right! You hear it alot that time goes by so fast, but until you have kids you don't really understand, they grow up so fast!

Finlinson's said...

I know how you feel. Mason cut his first tooth the first of the month and it seems each day brings new things. Congrats on Saturday!!

Annie said...

I love your little babies! They could not be more gorgeous! And I can't wait for Saturday to come. You are a great mommy...and I can't wait to smooch on those babies...let's get together and play! Luvs