Friday, May 22, 2009

Bad Nurse, Good Baby

Lula had her 2 month check-up and she is doing great! However, the shot part of the check-up was not so great! The poor little thing was just laying there being so good, thinking the nurses were there to play with her. Then they stuck those needles in her and she screamed like crazy! It was so sad! Thank goodness it's over!! She weighted in at 9 pounds 4 ounces and she is now 22 inches long. I'm certain she will pass me up in the height department by the time she is 10 years old!
Lula is such a great baby! She has truly blessed our lives! Ruger is even getting better with her. Need more proof that she is a great baby? Well here it is...she has been sleeping through the night for over a week now! It's glorious! Oh, and have I mentioned that she NEVER spits up! How great is that?!? OK, I'm done bragging. Here are some cute snapshots of lovely little Lula!


tHe tHaYeRs said...

She is so beautiful! I'll just tell you now the shot's don't get easier! Ryker is almost 1 1/2 and it still breaks my heart to see him cry when he gets shots!

Tara said...

That little Miss Lula melted J skrilla's heart. He tried to pack her in his suitcase but quickly rethought that one when he saw T bone guarding the door with a shotgun.

Shelly said...

Seriously I can't get enough of her cute little face. You are so lucky to have such a sweet little spirit in your home and family. We need to catch up on our lives. We should go to lunch sometime.

chr!st!e said...

Just wait until you have to do Kindergarten shots! That sucks! By then the kids are big enough to know what is going to happen. I'll take Lula next time if you take Haley.

Finlinson's said...

Well we just went yesterday and did our 2 months shots and check-up. Be gratful you didn't have two! It was so hard listening to them cry and not being able to help them. She is absolutly adorable. Where do you find all your cute clothes and headbands??

tHe tHaYeRs said...

Ouch on that Delta comment on my blog! Is the big OC anybetter?

Sarah said...

2 months already?! She is beautiful!
We are leaving for Utah next week, and will probably have some free time the 15th, 16th, or 17th. I hope you guys are going to be around, I am dying to see this baby again. I will call you when it gets closer.